Add a link button to Money Smart KC on your website:

To add a Money Smart KC link button to your website using HTML, simply copy the following and paste anywhere within your website:

<a href=”“><img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-7″ src=”” alt=”cropped-mskc-web-banner250.gif” width=”300″ height=”60″ /></a>

Bookmark / Add to Favorites:

To add Money Smart KC as a favorite, visit, look for the Bookmark or Favorites icon in the upper right of your browser. When prompted, click on Bookmark this page / Add to Favorites.

Make Money Smart KC your Homepage:


  1. Right click on desktop and place cursor over New.
  2. Select Shortcut in the menu to the right.
  3. Enter in the field and click next.
  4. Type Money Smart KC in the Name field and click Finish.


  1. In Safari, go to 
  2. Choose Safari Preferences. Alternatively, press Command+, (comma). The Preferences dialog displays.
  3. Click the Set to Current Page button: Alternatively, click the New Windows Open With pop-up menu and choose Empty Page if you want Safari to open a new window with a blank page.
  4. Click the Close button to exit: Now you can visit your home page at any time by pressing the Home button on the Toolbar.